Emotional Tremors | Typography In Motion

Project Aim
This project delves into the emotional journeys of design students through kinetic typography. Three separate animations, each lasting three seconds, utilising the letters "GDC" to visually represent distinct emotions. The Emotions in question were chosen by us, design students. They are, fragile, erratic and crystalline. This series aims to effectively capture the dynamic and often multifaceted emotional experience of design education.
Animation 1 - Fragile

Fragile resonated with us as students, symbolising the vulnerability we feel to pressure and challenges. We chose to depict this through the shattered letter “G”, reflecting our shared experiences of feeling on the brink of breaking under the weight of academic and
personal demands.

Honolulu Blue  - Delicacy 
Tiffany Blue - Vulnerability
Yellow-Green - Resilience and renewal
Anti-Flash White - Purity and need for protection 

Together, these colours embody fragility, delicacy, and the potential for rejuvenation, aligning with the essence of the term "fragile".


Cheddar Gothic Rough
Gif Animation
Animation 2 - Erratic

Erratic reflected the chaotic nature of our thoughts and coursework, portraying the unpredictable twists and turns of student life. Using irregular tire tracks and the letter “D”, we sought to capture the frenetic energy and constant flux of ideas that define our experiences
at GDC.

Sea Green - Calmness
Lemon Yellow - Bursts of energy and unpredictability
Light Hot Pink - Excitement
Heliotrope - Creativity and imagination 

Together, these colours evoke dynamic energy, sporadic stability, and bursts of creativity that align with the concept of "erratic".


ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro
Gif Animation
Animation 3 - Crystalline

Crystalline represented the structured growth and potential for transformation that our experiences afford us. Through the diamond-shaped, structured letter “C”, we illustrated
the pressure we face as students and the clarity and direction it provides for our
future endeavours.

Honolulu Blue - Clarity 
Tiffany Blue - Calmness
Yellow-green - Vitality and growth
Anti-flash white - Purity 

Together, these colours evoke the pristine, transparent, and enchanting qualities associated with crystals, embodying the essence of "crystalline".


Source Serif
Gif Animation
Final Animations

Our collaborative kinetic typography project aimed to visually depict our collective journey as students at Greenside Design Centre (GDC), weaving together our diverse experiences into animations centered around the prompts Fragile, Erratic, and Crystalline. Through our combined efforts, we endeavoured to capture the challenges and growth inherent in student life, drawing from our individual perspectives. Apart from conveying resilience, our collaborative efforts also aimed to emphasise the challenges and aspirations of our shared student experience at GDC. By acknowledging the ups and downs of our journey while embracing opportunities for growth and development, we sought to create animations that resonate with
our peers and inspire reflection on the transformative power of education. 

Content Attributes: Copilot - Gemini
Emotional Tremors | Typography In Motion

Emotional Tremors | Typography In Motion
